Register for August Virtual Workshop!

Stone Soup: Community Building Through Sharing

August 25, 5-6:30 PM EST

Stone Soup is a workshop that will give participants the steps for starting a dinner church, from home gathering to dining hall. It is based on sharing meals, biblical stories, and personal stories.The workshop will include setup, sample liturgies, costs, and strategies for financing. Participants will also be asked to consider dinner church advantages and challenges. 

Rev. Fay Lundin is a retired United Methodist pastor who has used biblical storytelling in worship, visitation, teaching, ecumenical settings and community outreach. She is a graduate of the Academy for Biblical Storytelling at both the basic and master storytelling level. Her last ten years before retirement included developing and leading a weekly dinner church.

Free for members $25 for non-members

Festival Gathering 2024
July 31-August 2, 2024 || Baltimore, MD

Keynote speaker: Anna Carter Florence

New!!  This year, we are so excited to share our mission to learn and tell Biblical Stories that we are offering a new incentive for referring a guest!  See our Festival Gathering page for more details!


Who We Are
Long before the narratives of the Bible became “scripture” (“writing”) they existed in oral form as stories performed out loud in community.

Our goal is to train individuals in how to recapture those powerful dynamics so that the sharing of these passages can create an experience of “here and now” rather than “then and there.

Learn More